The origin and history of cheese

A journey through the ages, including the great milestones of cheese making and their close association with crucial moments in human history.
From the Neolithic to the present day, the evolution of cheese has a fascinating history in which innovation and tradition; craftsmanship and scientific and technical advances; and food, culture and pleasure came together from the beginning.

Cheese tells our story

The end of the Stone Age saw the beginning of livestock grazing, and, with it, cheese making. The Roman Empire extended its borders, and spread its knowledge of curdling milk. And there is more: the culture of medieval monasteries, the great scientist Louis Pasteur, etc. We invite you to discover the role of cheese at every stage of our history. Will you join us? Click on the period you would like to learn about.

Curiosities of the cheese world
Papillon Roquefort.
Result of an error.
From a portion of fresh cheese and a piece of rye bread left behind by a shepherd in a cave, this cheese, according to legend, was born. It was in one of the unique caves of the always cool and humid Combalou plateau. By the time the shepherd returned for his cheese, it had fermented while in contact with the mould of the bread. He tried it and loved its intense and delicious flavour
Heart of England Stilton.
At Christmas, with port.
The United Kingdom's most representative blue cheese has a place of honour at the Christmas table. In the week before the celebrations, a hole is made in the rind of the Stilton and a spoonful of port is poured in every day, while maintaining the hole covered with the rind. On the big day, the exquisite mixture is enjoyed as a family, served directly from the inside of the cheese.
Il Forteto Pecorino.
Commitment to the future.
In 1977, a group of young people met up in a parish church in Prato, Italy. They were students who talked about their problems and participated in social action. These young people created the Il Forteto cooperative and settled on the Bovecchio farm in Florence. They created a new way of life in which the intention was not to make profit, but to offer adequate living conditions to all of its members.